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Video Action Recognition



  • Definition: This is the task of identifying human activities/actions (e.g. eating, playing) in videos. In other words, this task classifies segments of videos into a set of pre-defined categories.
  • Applications: Automated surveillance, elderly behavior monitoring, human-computer interaction, content-based video retrieval, and video summarization.
  • Scope: Human Action only
  • Tools: OpenCV



Can Spatiotemporal 3D CNNs Retrace the History of 2D CNNs and ImageNet?

the authors explore how existing state-of-the-art 2D architectures (such as ResNet, ResNeXt, DenseNet, etc.) can be extended to video classification via 3D kernels.


This model was pre-trained on 65 million social media videos and fine-tuned on Kinetics400.

Process flow​

Step 1: Collect videos

Capture via camera, scrap from the internet or use public datasets

Step 2: Create Labels

Use open-source tools like VGA Video Annotator for video annotation

Step 3: Data Acquisition

Setup the database connection and fetch the data into python environment

Step 4: Data Exploration

Explore the data, validate it and create preprocessing strategy

Step 5: Data Preparation

Clean the data and make it ready for modeling

Step 6: Model Building

Create the model architecture in python and perform a sanity check

Step 7: Model Training

Start the training process and track the progress and experiments

Step 8: Model Validation

Validate the final set of models and select/assemble the final model

Step 9: UAT Testing

Wrap the model inference engine in API for client testing

Step 10: Deployment

Deploy the model on cloud or edge as per the requirement

Step 11: Documentation

Prepare the documentation and transfer all assets to the client

Use Cases​

Kinetics 3D CNN Human Activity Recognition​

This dataset consists of 400 human activity recognition classes, at least 400 video clips per classΒ (downloaded via YouTube) and a total of 300,000 videos. Check out this notion.

Action Recognition using R(2+1)D Model​

VGA Annotator was used for creating the video annotation for training. Check out this notion.