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Text Analysis

Rapid text analysis can save lives. Let’s consider a real-world incident when US soldiers stormed a terrorist compound. In the compound, they discovered a computer containing terabytes of archived data. The data included documents, text messages, and emails pertaining to terrorist activities. The documents were too numerous to be read by any single human being. Fortunately, the soldiers were equipped with special software that could perform very fast text analysis. The software allowed the soldiers to process all of the text data without even having to leave the compound. The onsite analysis immediately revealed an active terrorist plot in a nearby neighborhood. The soldiers instantly responded to the plot and prevented a terrorist attack.

This swift defensive response would not have been possible without natural language processing (NLP) techniques. NLP is a branch of data science that focuses on speedy text analysis. Typically, NLP is applied to very large text datasets. NLP use cases are numerous and diverse and include the following:

  • Corporate monitoring of social media posts to measure the public’s sentiment toward a company’s brand
  • Analyzing transcribed call center conversations to monitor common customer complaints
  • Matching people on dating sites based on written descriptions of shared interests
  • Processing written doctors’ notes to ensure proper patient diagnosis

These use cases depend on fast analysis. Delayed signal extraction could be costly. Unfortunately, the direct handling of text is an inherently slow process. Most computational techniques are optimized for numbers, not text. Consequently, NLP methods depend on a conversion from pure text to a numeric representation. Once all words and sentences have been replaced with numbers, the data can be analyzed very rapidly.